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Coronavirus Delays Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing Edition Shipments

Coronavirus Delays Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing Edition Shipments

How the coronavirus is impacting the Nintendo Switch ... delays of production and shipments of the Nintendo Switch console and accessories ... pushed back the availability of the new Animal Crossing version of the console,.... The coronavirus will impact the production of the Nintendo Switch in China ... Coronavirus delays Switch hardware in Japan, including Animal Crossing edition ... is out of stock in the country, and new shipments are delayed. ... Notable, too, is the status of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons edition Switch.. Western pre-orders of the Animal Crossing: New Horizons special edition Switch will likely be unaffected by the production stoppages, as.... The coronavirus outbreak in China is impacting Nintendo in regards to their ... Animal Crossing: New Horizons Limited Edition Nintendo Switch ... to create production and shipment delays for standard Nintendo Switch and.... Nintendo Switch recently announced that the shipment for its flagship switch console, including the Animal Crossing: New Horizon edition, will...

Nintendo says Switch console deliveries will be delayed because of ... Switch, the 'Animal Crossing' special edition and 'Ring Fit Adventure.. Nintendo Switch shipments from China are being delayed due to the coronavirus ... Animal Crossing Switch Pre-Orders pushed back in Japan ... At the time of writing, the release date for this special edition console remains.... Nintendo says Switch console shipments delayed by coronavirus ... the new version of the Switch based on popular game Animal Crossing,.... Coronavirus outbreak halves Shiseido's China sales and may delay ... Companies affected by the outbreak also include video game-maker Nintendo Co. The firm said Thursday that it expects a delay in shipments of its Switch game ... special-edition Switch set featuring the designs of Animal Crossing: New.... Nintendo recently delayed Switch hardware shipments to Japan and Korea due ... for the recently revealed Animal Crossing Switch hardware bundle, though its ... the Switch version of The Outer Worlds due to the coronavirus.. Nintendo said in a post today that the coronavirus is likely to disrupt production in ... What To Expect From 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons ... it is expected that production and shipment delays will be inevitable for peripheral.... Last week, Nintendo warned of delayed Switch shipments to Japan, and a ... to the console market may be a relatively minor side effect of coronavirus, ... of the new Nintendo Switch Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edition,.... Coronavirus outbreak delays Nintendo Switch 'Animal Crossing' console ... a new "Animal Crossing" special edition of its Switch console to celebrate the ... unavoidable delays in production and shipping of Switch consoles,.... Due to the coronavirus infection spreading in China, Nintendo expects that ... to possibly see shipment delays outside of Japan too for the special edition.. Shipments of the Switch console are being delayed by coronavirus, ... the new version of the Switch based on popular game Animal Crossing,.... Nintendo expects the deadly coronavirus outbreak in China to cause inevitable delays in production and shipments of its popular Switch gaming console for Japan. ... Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch Preorder Delayed Amid ... China had impacted the Animal Crossing version of the hybrid game console.. In an update posted on its official Japanese website, Nintendo has issued ... where the coronavirus has caused the most devastation - shipments of ... The coronavirus has now reportedly taken 563 lives, with 28,018 ... Pre-orders for the new Animal Crossing system can still be found at some western stores.. Reportedly, limited-edition Animal Crossing: New Horizons Nintendo Switch console pre-orders in Japan have been delayed ... by the Coronavirus, so the expectations of the shipping dates have been thrown into disarray.. It's not clear whether the delays will affect shipments elsewhere. ... The Animal Crossing-themed variant of the Switch, which was only.... Shipments for preorders of the Animal Crossing model are pushed back. ... Nintendo confirms coronavirus has delayed Switch production ... Specifically, it has impacted the Animal Crossing version of the hybrid game console...


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